Our Story

Founded in 2020, in a tiny basement workshop, Audiophile Ninja has grown from one man hacking out a handful of hand-crafted cables on eBay, to now selling over 2000+ cables annually, offering 1300+ product variations, and competing in a global market!

Wow. That was a mouthful.

If you are really bored and have nothing to do right now… feel free to learn more about Audiophile Ninja’s unexpected start below.


After buying his first pair of headphones around 2015, Jeremy quickly realized stock cables just didn’t cut it.

Too long. Too short. To stiff. Too tangly. Too easily broken. Too inconvenient.

There had to be something else, something better. But surprisingly… not really. There just weren’t that many aftermarket options that didn’t require an audiophile to sell a random body part on the black market to finance a cable.

So, Jeremy started making cables for himself as a personal hobby, with an old soldering iron, on a flimsy table in the corner of his home office.

A Dream Takes Shape

It had always been a dream to start a small business. But headphone cables?! This wasn’t even on the radar. Not even close. But sure…what the hell, let’s give it a shot! Peace out corporate America! It’s been real.

In 2019, Jeremy began to design cables in his spare time, and over the course of a year, hundreds of cables were built. Various connectors, wires, sheathing, adhesives, etc. were put to the test.

The business goal was to hand-craft cables here in the good ol’ US of A, using local and global parts, and build the best no-BS cables at the lowest price we could possibly offer. Time to give budding audiophiles an affordable option for rock solid aftermarket cables.

By the end of 2019, product designs were set, parts were sourced, manufacturing equipment was purchased, quality controls were in place, and the business was setup.

Jeremy created Audiophile Ninja in 2020.

Humble Beginnings

At launch in early 2020, Audiophile Ninja began offering a whopping total of 11 varieties of cables.

The plan was to release a handful of initial products, learn from customer feedback, make necessary improvements, and grow in scale once the products were rock solid; continuous improvement where quality will always be the number one focus.

We did just that. 6 months later, we expanded to over 300+ cable variations for our customers.

In 2021, we hired additional employees to keep up with the demand, and in 2022, we have grown to now offer over 1300+ cable variations, in addition to new accessory products!

Looking Forward

We have come a long way in a short period of time and are always exploring new product options for the future.

We live by the standards we create and will not sell a headphone cable that we will not exclusively use ourselves. By using our own gear, we can design and build our products better for our customers and continuously improve them over time.

Should you have any product suggestions or feedback, please shoot us an email at support@audiophileninja.com. We’d love to hear thoughts and suggestions to how we can grow even further together.

Owner Bio

(Obligatory Professional-Looking Photo)

Jeremy received a Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science and Business Administration minor from Marquette University in 2005. He is Green Belt certified in Six Sigma, and has held various IT and Operations global leadership roles at Fortune 500 companies, such as GE and Nielsen. He is also a GIA Certified Graduate Gemologist. In his most recent corporate role, Jeremy was a Operations Program Director and Integration leader for NeoGenomics, a leading cancer diagnostics company, and was responsible for driving multiple $100M+ business acquisitions as well as executing process improvement initiatives across the entire organization.

Much of that experience has set forth the foundation of Audiophile Ninja’s Business Principles.

Besides travelling the world every chance he gets, Jeremy jam packs his free time dabbling in dozens of hobbies across audio, video games, motorcycles, home automation technology, enjoying wine, beer, and bourbon, and can even be caught dabbling a bit in maple syrup production, beekeeping, and brewing from time to time. To say the least, he’s continuously busy building projects and loves learning new skills.